It's incredible that even 400 years after his death, Shakespeare is still as relevant as ever. From fresh interpretations to rare folios and missing heads, the Bard can still surprise you. But Redditor Basdfg may have made the most startling breakthrough in the field since Johnson.


"In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macbeth himself is character whose motives are murky," his analysis begins. "The use of Freudian psychoanalysis gives us a clearer picture of what drives him to do what he does."

"I believe that the idea that Macbeth was indeed a Bigfoot offers a convincing explanation to his character, when combined with Freudian analysis."

Basdfg's Sasquatchian reading of Macbeth may be controversial, but his evidence is undeniable.

"Thou liest, thou shag-hair'd villain!"

"a thought so horrifying that it makes my hair (presumably covering my squatch-body) stand on end"

"To hear a night-shriek; and my fell of (squatch)hair "

Most telling of all is this quote from Lady Macbeth to Squatchbeth: "What beast was't then /That made you break this enterprise to me".

Recasting the Thane of Cawdor as a sasquatch also offers new light on the character's eventual descent, suggesting his mental instability is due to Bigfoot's natural diet of psychotropic mushrooms, and explaining why he eventually gives into murder and bloodlust.

His super-ego is non-existent. No longer does Squatchbeth suppress his almighty ability to ensue carnage. He shows none of the remorse or love that Bigfoots exhibit in the wild. In my knowledge, he is the only Squatch to have ever shed the blood of others without reason.


Chilling stuff. Hopefully the Globe will soon restage the play to be closer to the source material.
