The trailer for ITV's latest psychological drama Too Close has just dropped, giving us a first look at Chernobyl star Emily Watson's forensic psychiatrist Dr Emma Robertson – and her latest patient Connie (Denise Gough).


It looks like Emma bitten off more than she can chew with the manipulative Denise, who is being accused of committing a crime she claims she can't remember.

Though we still don't know exactly what crime Connie has committed, it definitely looks like there's more to her than meets the eye, and she isn't going to make things easy for Emma. Take a peek for yourself below.

The trailer teases a storyline full of twists and turns as Emma delves into Connie's complex relationship with her best friend Ness, which, according to the official synopsis, "triggered Connie's despicable behaviour".

The pair engage in a bit of a cat-and-mouse game in which Connie begins to exploit Emma's insecurities during their sessions, and it's unclear who is psychoanalysing who – which doesn't bode well when it comes to proving Connie's innocence.

The miniseries is scheduled to be released in April. It's directed by Line of Duty's Sue Tully and written by actress Clara Salaman, who also wrote the book upon which it's based on under the pseudonym Natalie Daniels.

Watson and Gough feature in the Too Close cast amongst Thalissa Teixeira,, James Sives, Risteárd Cooper, Chizzy Akudolu, Karl Johnson, Eileen Davies and Nina Wadia.


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