In its 19th-century setting it may have been the love that dare not speak its name, but Lord Drummond and Lord Alfred have FINALLY given in to their romantic attraction and shared a passionate kiss in ITV's period drama Victoria.


The Prime Minister's private secretary Drummond (Leo Suter) and Victoria's attendant Alfred (Jordan Waller) have been eyeing each other up since the beginning of the second series, exchanging meaningful looks and coy smiles and dropping hints in conversation.

But in this week's episode everything came to a head in Scotland, where the two Lords wandered away from a Ceilidh and found the sun setting across an idyllic lake. With a bit of whisky to help, they finally had the courage to act.

The kiss was a LONG time coming. But it didn't disappoint.

Luckily, the kiss itself was perfectly executed.

Talk about a payoff!


Unfortunately, Wilhemina Coke (Bebe Cave) came to find them at just the wrong moment – and saw the kiss, even though they didn't see her. Will there be repercussions? Or will she keep the secret?


Eleanor Bley GriffithsDrama Editor,