Victoria fans are desperate for Rufus ‘Lord M’ Sewell to rewrite history and marry the queen
The fan favourite character returned to the ITV drama and viewers want him back for good

Although Jenna Coleman’s years in the Tardis taught her not to meddle with time, Victoria viewers are now pleading for her royal character to rewrite history. Specifically, after Sunday's episode of the ITV regal drama, fans are calling on the queen to ditch her lifelong love Albert (Tom Hughes) for Lord Melbourne.
It’s not that Bertie has been too awful (apart from his eyes wandering over to Ada Lovelace), but the audience completely swooned over the return of former Prime Minister Lord M, played by Rufus Sewell.
His return left many fans torn.
However, others had no hesitation in declaring Victoria should give history the two fingers and ditch her only husband for a slice of Melbourne...
Even if many were seriously worried how peaky Melbourne appeared.
But hey, even if the worst happens, you have to look on the bright side...
#SorryNotSorry, Albert.
Victoria continues 9pm Sunday, ITV