Ross Poldark may be a free man but the Cornish drama was hardly going to calm down just three instalments into a 10 episode run now, was it?


This means Warleggan

Ross knows his old enemy is behind the attacks on his character but he can’t prove it just yet. His lack of evidence is giving the delightfully ghastly George time to brush up on his boxing skills, and find other ways to make the man of his dreams suffer for not wanting to play with him.

Demelza’s keeping mum

We all know Mrs Poldark is pregnant with the couple’s second child, but after the death of dear little Julia she’s worried Mr Ross won’t be wantin’ no more young ‘uns. Can she keep her secret?

And who’s the man in the red coat?

There’s a blast from the past on the cliffs tonight as Ross’s old pal Captain McNeil makes his return to Nampara. But is it Mr Poldark he’s most excited to see?


What time is Poldark on TV tonight?

All the brooding action kicks off over on BBC1 at 9pm
