After a rather stormy build-up to last week’s lavish nuptials, we wish we could say Victoria and Albert will forever remain in blissful happiness - but with only three more episodes left to go (until series two arrives next year, that is) life only seems to be getting more complicated for the newlyweds.


We still can’t get that mesmerising theme tune out of our heads, by the way.

Albert makes a bold move to secure his position

Lord Sewell may have departed (we’re still not quite over that, by the way), but there are still challenges ahead for Albert as he struggles to find a role in his new household – a matter made only worse when the Duke of Sussex publicly humiliates him by refusing to let him take precedence at dinner.

Feeling worthless, Albert hatches his own idea about how to make himself valuable and decides to open the anti-slavery convention and nervously prepares his speech.

Victoria plays the game of thrones

While a dejected Albert hopes that an heir might garner more respect (a typically male response, that), Victoria is determined to use all her cunning to outmanoeuvre Sussex and give Albert the esteem he deserves.

The servants have got their priorities right

Below stairs, the servants are doing exactly what we’d be doing in their position – gossiping relentlessly over when to expect the first royal baby.

Meanwhile, Miss Skerrett faces a dilemma when the only person who can save her cousin and small child from imminent death is the person she trusts the least – Francatelli.

So what time is it on?


See Victoria tonight at 9pm on ITV
