Where to watch and stream The Last Kingdom – is it available on Netflix?
Alexander Dreymon stars in the historical drama which pits Anglo-Saxon warriors against Viking invaders

The Last Kingdom is a historical drama based on The Saxon Stories novels, written by Sharpe creator Bernard Cornwell. The series depicts the life of fictional 9th Century warrior Uhtred of Bebbanburg and is often compared to Game of Thrones.
Where can I watch The Last Kingdom?
The series is available in its entirety on Netflix and is purchasable on Amazon Prime. It is also available for purchase on DVD.
What is The Last Kingdom about?
When most of England is raided and conquered by the Danes, only Wessex remains as an Anglo Saxon kingdom.
Uhtred of Bebbanburg, played by Alexander Dreymon, is the protagonist whose father, Lord Uhtred, is killed by Vikings early in the series’ plotline. He swears to avenge his father and is adopted by Vikings after the battle. From them on his loyalties are divided, having grown up with Vikings, but having also seen them kill his father.
Who is in the cast of The Last Kingdom?
Alexander Dreymon takes the lead role of Uhtred. Emily Cox (Homeland) plays Brida, while Tobias Santleman (Marcella) takes the role of Ragnar the Younger. Also appearing are David Dawson, Adrian Bowyer and Simon Kunz. Author Bernard Cornwell himself appears in series three as Beornheard.
How many seasons of The Last Kingdom are there?
Currently there are three seasons of The Last Kingdom
When and where is The Last Kingdom set?
The Last Kingdom is set in the 9th Century AD in Anglo Saxon England. Though Anglo-Saxon England quickly becomes Danish for the most part as Vikings invade, plunder and conquer large areas of the country.
Where is The Last Kingdom filmed?
The series’ main shooting location is in Hungary at Korda Studios, near Budapest.
When is The Last Kingdom back?
In July of 2019 The Last Kingdom’s Instagram page promised the show’s return in 2020.
Who makes The Last Kingdom?
Originally produced by the BBC, the show is now a product of Carnival Films, the producers of Downton Abbey, and made solely for Netflix.
Is there a trailer of The Last Kingdom?
Yes, you can find it below.