Piers Morgan made a noisy return to ITV's Good Morning Britain this Monday, and absolutely no one wanted to talk about it online. Nope, not one.


OK, there were a couple of messages, which made Morgan very happy indeed.

So, how did he actually get on during his first stint as a permanent GMB presenter? Over to you, Twitter.

1. Is Susanna Reid enjoying this? We can't quite tell...

Look how much fun @susannareid100 is having with her new colleague @piersmorgan @GMB pic.twitter.com/sJRSlVMLvo

— Siân Smith (@SianyShoeShine_) November 23, 2015

2. Pretty sure Piers would enjoy being called 'The Beast'

@GMB Disney themed show this morning! Beauty and the Beast with @piersmorgan #refreshing

— Neil Barry (@neilbarry9) November 23, 2015

3. An ITV ratings winner?

Piers Morgan another reason to watch @BBCBreakfast every morning

— moutton noir (@mouttonnoir) November 23, 2015

4. Don't jump to conclusions

I think @piersmorgan is awesome on @GMB Straight to the point, no messing. Just what you need on Monday morning ??

— Shannon Hellewell (@_ShannonH) November 23, 2015

5. Meanwhile, the Lineker-Morgan feud continues...

Woke up this morning to @piersmorgan trending. Assumed he'd lost another job, but no such luck it appears.

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) November 23, 2015

6. But wait! Piers has won another football fan.

I'm going to get up a bit earlier now so I can watch @piersmorgan on my TV , heard it was an eventful comeback ?? bring on tomorrow

— Robbie Savage (@RobbieSavage8) November 23, 2015

7. X Factor's Mason Noise thinks he's met his match

@piersmorgan Glad I've finally met someone with a matching ego (batman voice).

— Mason Noise (@itsmasonnoise) November 23, 2015

8. From one 'much-loved' broadcaster to another...

That @piersmorgan is properly good on @GMB #TopJournalist

— Kay Burley (@KayBurley) November 23, 2015

9. Wonder what Rick Edwards was hoping for?

*sees Piers Morgan trending* *crosses-fingers*

— Rick Edwards (@rickedwards1) November 23, 2015

10. Sorry, reckon he's here to stay.

USA please take @piersmorgan back doing my bloody head in already. #GMB

— Matthew Greenfield (@bigboy_619) November 23, 2015

11. Sticks and stones will break his bones, but tweets will never harm him

Well that was all most amusing. Thanks for the tweets, good & bad. They made me chuckle. @GMB

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) November 23, 2015

After the show, Morgan even had a little message for his Twitter 'fans', in which he compared himself to Oprah Winfrey and told viewers to watch their "tone".

Thanks for all your tweets about @piersmorgan ... Here's what he's got to say after his first show #piersongmb pic.twitter.com/S9JxyYnnDc

— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) November 23, 2015


You've been warned.
