Ainsley Harriott's Strictly code name is...
Like all his fellow contestants, the chef has been going by the name of a certain Disney character in the lead up to his unveiling

Those guys over at Strictly Come Dancing HQ are good at keeping a secret, so until last night, new sign-up Ainsley Harriott had been going by a different name to keep his involvement in the show under wraps.
Not just any old name: a Disney code name.
Jeremy Vine, the first 2015 celebrity to be announced, spilled the beans on this tactic, admitting he'd even had to use his cartoon code name – Nemo – for his pre-show appointment with the doctor. "That's how secretive they are about it," he admitted.
So which Disney code name did the chef and former Ready Steady Cook presenter get? Aladdin. Perhaps he was granted three wishes, too? He could use them to ensure he isn't voted out first, gets all 10s from the judges and masters a dance the panel have never seen before. That'd be handy, right?
Although, we've found some video evidence of Mr Harriott's funky footwork and it looks like he'll do just fine without those wishes.
Strictly Come Dancing returns this Autumn on BBC1
Robin Windsor, Alex Jones and Sir Bruce Forsyth will be at the Radio Times Festival this September.
Those guys over at Strictly Come Dancing HQ are good at keeping a secret, so until last night, new sign-up Ainsley Harriott had been going by a different name to keep his involvement in the show under wraps.
Not just any old name: a Disney code name.
Jeremy Vine, the first 2015 celebrity to be announced, spilled the beans on this tactic, admitting he'd even had to use his cartoon code name – Nemo – for his pre-show appointment with the doctor. "That's how secretive they are about it," he admitted.
So which Disney code name did the chef and former Ready Steady Cook presenter get? Aladdin. Perhaps he was granted three wishes, too? He could use them to ensure he isn't voted out first, gets all 10s from the judges and masters a dance the panel have never seen before. That'd be handy, right?
Although, we've found some video evidence of Mr Harriott's funky footwork and it looks like he'll do just fine without those wishes.
Strictly Come Dancing returns this Autumn on BBC1
Robin Windsor, Alex Jones and Sir Bruce Forsyth will be at the Radio Times Festival this September.