Let’s face it, the world’s in a little bit of a state right now.


The future looks increasingly bleak, with biblical rainfall, bitingly cold weather and a Brexit-driven general election looming over us in what’s supposed to be the jolly pre-Christmas period.

So let’s hear it for Alison Hammond, who could save us from despair after it was reported that she may have landed her very own afternoon chat show.

Titled Alison Hammond’s Happy Hour (because of course it is) the hour-long afternoon slot will reportedly “see her interview her celeb pals and other guests, and feature makeovers, exercise regimes and fun lifestyle segments.”

“Producers have been increasingly impressed with Alison’s comic timing and prowess at interviewing stars,” an insider told The Sun. “Her down-to-earth and quick-witted personality have made her a hit with viewers and producers think she’s ready for the limelight.”

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Ready for the limelight? Hammond was born for it.

Yes, This Morning (which is increasingly and interestingly turning into the daytime Eurotrash) may be best known for Holly ‘n’ Phil’s filthy giggling fits, but it’s Hammond that provides the real moments of viral comedy gold.

Who can forget Hammond actually screaming at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as they did a walkabout in Nottingham ("MEGS! YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL DARLING!"), accidentally throwing a topless model into the river on their live weather-map (Oh, God, sorry, are you alright?) or wearing a t-shirt with Michael Buble’s face on it while interviewing Michael Buble?

But aside from the silliness, Hammond does always manage to score brilliant chats any journalist worth their salt would die for – she made Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford ugly laugh, she got Kenneth Branagh and Harry Styles to hug her, and she quite literally connected with the now untouchable Beyonce through a game of Connect Four and a little dance.

This sort of silly, playful schtick would become tiresome on anyone else, but it doesn't with Hammond because it is clear this is genuinely who she is. There’s no front or sides with her, she’s just wholeheartedly being herself.

In a world where our reality stars are super-polished and preened, it’s refreshing and appealing to see someone so authentic on our screen; she's disarmingly charming, totally comfortable in her own skin and unapologetic for who she is.


Afternoon slot? Let Hammond go prime-time.
