Big Brother housemates WILL be able to vote in the election - and they'll hear the results live on TV
This year's contestants were "advised" to arrange a postal vote before entering the Big Brother house

Big Brother has come over all political this year with a new theme dubbed "culture clash of modern Britain". Given the added political engagement, it's only fair that the housemates get to vote like the rest of us, right?
Turns out the Channel 5 show has made provisions for the locked-in housemates to exercise their democratic right.
All the contestants were "advised" on how to arrange a postal vote before the election. The deadline to apply for a postal vote was Tuesday 23rd May – the housemates arrived in the Big Brother house on Monday 5th June.
While the housemates will not be able to vote 'physically' in a polling booth this Thursday, they will have had the chance to submit postal votes in advance. Here's hoping they remembered to send off their ballot papers...
A spokesperson also confirmed that the housemates will be told the results of the election – and viewers will be able to watch their reactions live.
"Live tomorrow [Friday] night, Emma Willis will reveal the result of the General Election to the Big Brother housemates."
The show starts live at 9pm on Channel 5. Democracy in action.
Big Brother 2017: meet the housemates