Celebrities assure teenagers not to worry about A-level results
Another year, another inspirational tweet from Jeremy Clarkson!
Every August, clammy-handed teenagers across the nation open their A-Level results to discover what path lies ahead of them.
It has practically become tradition for celebrities – Jeremy Clarkson especially – to send out reassuring tweets to students at this pivotal moment in their lives…
It is perhaps unsurprising that the celebrities – especially Clarkson – are subject to a lot of mockery for this…
One teenager who didn’t quite get the grades he was going for is Liam from Winstanley College in Wigan, who decided to open his A-Level results live on national television.
The presenter on Good Morning Britain excitedly asked him: “So, Liam, did you get what you needed?”
To which Liam flatly replied: “Umm. No.”
Liam got BCBD instead of the required ABB. But he’s a glass half full kind of guy, and he said to the presenter: “At the end of the day it’s win or lose we’re on the booze, isn’t it?”
Yes, Liam. Yes it is.
Meanwhile, another student at Winstanley College who whole-heartedly agrees with Liam’s mantra is this guy.
Looks like there’ll be chaos on the streets of Wigan tonight.