Flat-hunting in London usually means hours of trawling through estate agents’ websites, tromping around viewing after viewing, wanting to cry when you think you’ve found a bargain but it turns out to be a parking space…


Not so for McBusted band member Dougie Poynter. Admitting he had little idea about the nicer locations to live in London, Poynter looked to nature expert David Attenborough for inspiration.

“I just googled where you live…” Poynter (with much embarrassment) admitted, when he joined the legendary documentary-maker on last night’s The Graham Norton Show.

“Wherever that is has to be the most serene place ever, I thought. So yeah, I live in Richmond just up the road from you.

“I see you quite a bit actually. On the way to the dry cleaners I go past your house.”

Attenborough took it well, whereas Norton emphasised the absurdity…


