Has Alik Alfus cheated on Louise Thompson on Made in Chelsea?
Have Jamie's revelations to Sam thrown the MIC power couple into jeopardy?
Woah, who saw that coming? One moment things between Alik Alfus and Louise Thompson were sickeningly rosy, the next Jamie dropped the bombshell that the American newcomer had cheated on his pint-sized girlfriend. But are the rumours true?
Tonight's episode began with Alik still reeling from Andy's revelation last week that he was "gutted" Louise had a new boyfriend while the guilty party continued to mope hopelessly over his ex. "I had thoughts over the summer that things might happen again," he told Lucy, wistfully, before adding smugly: "We were exchanging messages when you guys first left for New York" (more on that later...)
Andy - who appears to suffer long-term memory loss when it comes to his cheating ex - then told a skeptical Lucy, "If it wasn't for what happened we'd probably be together. I reckon she could have been the one that I would marry." Steady on, Andy. Of course, Lucy couldn't keep her mouth shut, bleating about Andy's revelation to Lucy, Binky and Tiff on a shopping trip. You can try to keep a secret in Chelsea... but you will always, always fail.
Meanwhile, Alik was airing his thoughts over a game of rugby with the boiiis. "I'm not f**king nervous," he told them, puffing his chest out for good measure. "She hasn't given me a reason to not trust her. I just got here. She's my girl, man. He's got to keep his distance."
But Alik was feeling the heat as he and Louise met Binky and Stevie for drinks and a certain secret was let slip thanks to loose-tongued Binks. "You guys were messaging in New York?" Alik asked, doing his best impression of a wounded puppy. "Alik, why are you taking it so seriously?" came the response from his GF. "[Andy's] a fine friend of mine."
(A "fine friend?" Sorry, Louise, are we in an Enid Blyton novel?)
But for all her "fine" phrases, she knew it was high time for a word with her love-struck ex. With a vow to "figure out" what was going on, the gang headed off to the polo - the very setting of the final chapter to Andy and Louise's tumultuous relationship a mere twelve months ago.
So, what was Andy's explanation going to be? Was he really, really gutted? "I didn't mean it to be serious," he told Louise. "I really didn't think I'd bat an eyelid that you're coming back from New York with a boyfriend. Seeing you with a boyfriend, I was like, 'Woah, this is real.'
"The truth of the matter is, when we were together we had a good relationship. I was very much in love with you and it had a future and it ended how it ended and in the back of my head I thought there was something there for us."
With his heart on the table and his feelings out there for Louise to lap up, how did she respond? "You snooze, you lose."
Alik soon strolled over, chest pumped out once again and ready for some hurly burly. But a repentant Andy took him by surprise by offering an apology: "I didn't mean to put my foot in it quite so horrendously," he admitted. "It's great to see lovely Louise with someone she deserves." N'aww.
But an anxious glance from Jamie told us all was not well. Mr Laing - who once upon a time dated Louise himself - strolled over to Sam and shared his own gigantic revelation: "I'm telling you because I think you should know. I overheard that Alik hooked up with a girl. When he was here."
"Do I tell Louise," Sam pondered. (YES! YES! YES!)
He did... although whether or not Jamie's wild accusation is true remains to be seen. Next week's trail sees Louise weeping, "I can't be in another relationship where I don't trust somebody" while Alik rages "I'm f**king furious".
"Don't get angry with me, you're the one who made the mistake," Louise fires back. "I haven't f**ked up at all," maintains Alik. The jury's still out on that one - although Louise did share a picture of the pair out to dinner just three short days ago...