Last night chat show host Jonathan Ross visited the Bake Off tent to whip up some treats in aid of Comic Relief. Fashionista Gok Wan, model Abbey Clancy and YouTube vlogger Zoella were also in the tent, but it was Wossy's corner that was boiling over with baking tips. Here's what we learned:


Blame your equipment

Of course you haven't done it wrong. Your equipment, if not physics itself, has let you down and that's why your butter is stuck to the whisk.

Sidestep tradition

Why must you balance flavours? If your lapsang souchong tea cake is smoky, why the devil can't you slap on some smoky whisky buttercream too?

Ignore the experts

Mary Berry says your mix has curdled and, well, it does look somewhat irregular. But you'll figure it out. It's all part of the plan.

Precision is not key

Measurements shmeasurements....

When in doubt...

... sling in a bit more booze.

Remember to taste as you go

Obviously this is best done after the aforementioned booze-adding.

Hide all panic

Don't let anyone see that you have no idea how to make profiteroles. Don't give them an inch...

Go 'off piste'

If you want to use a whisk and accidentally scramble your eggs, that's your prerogative.

Keep the faith

Of course your runny gloops are going to spring up into perfectly formed profiteroles.

Learn no lessons

Curdled is the new cooked, right?

Never give up

Even a flat profiterole is right twice a day or something...

Be sure to use all appliances on the correct setting

What do you mean you don't grill a cake?

Gently deal with any structural issues

Hacking with the biggest knife you can find will do the trick.

Basically, go big or go home


The Great Comic Relief Bake Off continues next Wednesday at 8pm on BBC1
