One-off fly-on-the-wall documentary The Secret Life of Four Year Olds has been given a full series on Channel 4.


The show in which cameras followed a group of children meeting for the first time in a make-shift nursery gave viewers an insight into the relationships formed between the four-year-olds, and proved that playground really is as tricky to navigate as the office.

The new seven-episode series will be moving up a class to explore the lives of five and six-year-olds, as well as a new group of four-year-olds. The original group of children featured in the one-off film won't be in the series but will appear again in a Christmas special.

Executive Producer Teresa Watkins said: “We only scratched the surface with The Secret Life of Four Year Olds. Discovering a world that was compelling and hilarious, we want to see how these children change as they hit important developmental milestones like going to school for the first time, and moving from Reception into Year 1."


"I'm going to tell my cat to scratch your face" was one of the children's insults in the documentary, so hopefully the new series will provide plenty more ideas for how to get colleagues to stop being so difficult...
