Joey 'the Eagle' Essex has been crowned the 2015 champion of Channel 4's winter sports competition The Jump, after out-distancing former England rugby captain Mike Tindall and Olympic heptathlete Louise Hazel in the final.


The 24-year-old former TOWIE star, who couldn't ski before taking part in the extreme celebrity contest, flew 17.5m on only his second ever ski jump, to earn himself the coveted cowbell trophy.

"I thought it was going to a nightmare, I didn’t think it was going to survive," said Joey. "Growing up I found it hard to learn things, but being on the jump has proved I can."

In typical Joey Essex-style, though, he didn't seem to have completely grasped what it was he had won...

"I never thought I’d be able to ski, let alone get to the final, and never thought I’d own a medal, let alone a cow bell. What is a cow bell by the way? Does it mean I need to get a cow?"


A reality show starring Joey as a farmer? We'd certainly watch it...
