We asked our hard-working League of Fandoms teams to design a banner that they felt would best represent their fandom and my oh my, they didn't disappoint.


Now it's time to pick just one from a possible three finalists to represent your team!

Every fandom that sent in a banner has been automatically awarded three points - and the winning banner with the most votes overall will land an extra THREE bonus points for their team.

If you can't find your fandom below, that's because no banner was submitted.

You've got until 3pm (BST) on Thursday March 30th to cast your votes via the links below, so you'd best get to it!

Team Musketeers will have extended voting time until 11pm (BST) on Thursday March 30th due to a technical issue with their poll.

Team Banished

Team Hannibal

Team Home Fires

Team Merlin

Team Musketeers

Team Outlander

Team Poldark


Team Versailles
