The League of Fandoms returns for a 12 month long battle in 2017 - here's what's happening in February.


What is the League of Fandoms?


Wednesday February 1st

4pm GMT to 5.30pm GMT

Home Fires v Versailles

The Musketeers v Banished

Outlander v Star Trek

The X-Files v Twin Peaks

Poldark v The Walking Dead

Hannibal v Merlin

Valentine's Day ChampionShip

Nominations: Monday February 13th

ChampionShip Battle: 10am GMT Tuesday Feb 14th to 10am GMT Wednesday Feb 15th

Fans must nominate their favourite couple or 'Ship' via's Facebook and Twitter accounts on Monday February 13th. Only one nomination per person will be counted.

The most popular will be selected to represent their team in the League of Fandoms Valentine's Day ChampionShip.

The winning couple will get 10 points for their team, the couple in second place will receive 9 points, third place = 8 points, fourth place = 7 points, fifth place = 6 points, sixth place = 5 points, seventh place = 4 points, eighth place = 3 points, ninth place = 2 points and tenth place = 1 point.

Bonus points will be awarded for inventive campaigning on Twitter and Facebook, so don't be afraid to have some fun!

Head to Head Match #2

Thursday February 16th

4pm GMT to 5.30pm GMT

Banished v Home Fires

Star Trek v Versailles

Twin Peaks v The Musketeers

The Walking Dead v Outlander

Merlin v The X-Files

Hannibal v Poldark

Fandom Banner Challenge

Tuesday February 21st to Thursday February 23rd

We’ve seen great examples of the creative capabilities of our teams and now it’s time to really put those skills to use to create your very own team banner.

Each of the 12 teams will need their very own flag to fly through the next stages of the competition and we want YOU to design them.

All you need to do is design a banner and tweet it to us @RadioTimes using #LeagueOfFandoms. If you don't use the hashtag we might miss it so be sure to include it.

We’ll pick the best banners, which will then be put to the Fandoms for a vote.

You’ve got until midnight (GMT) on Thursday February 23 to get your creations in (that’s Thursday night/Friday morning UK time) so get those creative cogs in gear and best of luck!


Watch this space for the rest of February's fixtures, coming VERY soon
