Mark Wahlberg is back on The Graham Norton Show tonight for the first time since that, er – how shall we put it – eventful appearance on the sofa in 2013.


Two years ago the chat show host got more than he bargained for when the movie star climbed onto his lap and started stroking his nipples – and that was after he'd rubbed Sarah Silverman's back and told her she "smelled so good".

In Mark's defence, he did warn Graham that to allow guests to “drink alcohol and then come on a show in the evening” was a "recipe for disaster". But will there be a repeat performance during tonight's episode when Wahlberg appears with Ted 2 co-star Seth Macfarlane? When we ran into the actor yesterday at the film's junket – before he'd shot his interview with Graham – we asked him just that...

"We'll have to see," he teased. "We have the right to get as crazy as we want. I'm a comedian now – can I not get crazy? The rules, the comedy, I thought there were no boundaries?"

It sounds promising. Could he be planning something even bigger than last time? "I can't say. I'm going on with Seth too so we can get pretty crazy."

To re-live the last time Mark got "crazy" on Graham Norton, take a look at the video below:



Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor,