A wooden hut in the middle of the Arctic is no protection from polar bears – especially when said hut is full of tasty steak and bacon.


Footage from a BBC crew filming epic natural history series The Hunt shows what happens when a hungry polar bear discover an enticing stash of supplies.

It isn't pretty.

The crew return to find the door of their hut off its hinges, their freezer box emptied and the guilty bear lying dangerously close to their equipment.

They manage to scare it off with flare guns and screaming, but the damage has already been done.

One of the film crew reels off what the bear has taken: "Bacon. Lots of bacon. Mincemeat, steak... nice marinaded steak. Sour cream, yoghurt, blueberries, the chicken of course. He ate everything!"

It's even worse when they finally get inside.

"The bear breaking in is worse than teenagers at a house party," one of the team says. There are just two things the bear didn't touch: The alcohol and...

"Marmite! Didn't eat the Marmite!"


The Hunt continues Sunday 8th November at 9pm on BBC1
