Bromans – the new reality show on ITV2 that sends couples off to ancient Rome to try out life as gladiators – probably doesn’t count historical accuracy as one of its top priorities.


To the untrained eye, it would seem that a lot of effort goes into nudity and contestant humiliation, rather than realism.

However, a classics lecturer from Oxford University live tweeted the first episode, and he was very impressed.

Not only did Professor Sillett enjoy the visuals…

He also thought the show was pretty historically accurate…

And he gave it a tick for its educational qualities…

He also got totally wrapped up in the competitive element of it all...

All in all, Professor Sillett bloody loved it…


Next up, a biology professor watches Naked Attraction...

Bromans review: Todgers, togas and total plonkers battle it out in this brutal new ITV2 reality show


Ellie HarrisonWriter,