The future of long-running reality show Big Brother looks uncertain, after Channel 5's head of programming said the series would not be returning "in its current form" after the latest contract ends.


Ben Frow added that the ball is in "Endemol Shine's [the production company that makes Big Brother] court", telling Broadcast that C5 "would not be spending the same amount of money" on the show if it does continue. The current contract runs out this year, with one series of Big Brother and another of Celebrity Big Brother set to air in the summer. reported last summer that the series was on shaky ground after it was consistently trounced in the ratings by ITV2's smash hit Love Island. Frow said at the time that he would "be much happier if the channel did not have Big Brother on it.”


In February this year, Courtney Act won the latest Celebrity Big Brother with a whopping 49.43% of the vote. Whether the former RuPaul's Drag Race star will be the last ever CBB champion remains to be seen...

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Ben AllenOn Demand Writer,