All great tales of romance involve star-crossed lovers overcoming adversity to be together. And in tonight's First Dates, a story so romantic unfolded, it set our hearts a flutter.


Here's what happened when Georgia met Alex. By accident.

Georgia, a model from Newcastle, got stood up. She was really disappointed but stuck around for a drink at the bar.

Then Alex, a banking agent from Liverpool, came in to wait for his date.

Georgia started to chat to Alex and gave him a lot of looks like this...

And like this...

We could all feel the tension bursting through our TV screens at home. Alex looked nervous as they chatted. They both laughed a lot. They clearly fancied each other like crazy.

The date was going so well!

Oh, but then we all remembered Georgia wasn't actually Alex's date...

Alex's real date Heather was already sitting at the table and Alex hadn't actually noticed...

Heather was lovely and it seemed a nice date...

But the whole time you felt that Alex and Georgia just wanted to be on a date with each other.

And when Georgia texted this to a friend, we felt the pain...

When Georgia finally left, we secretly thought Alex might run after her. Except we're also glad he didn't because that would have been seriously bad form...

But then First Dates gave us the best news ever. Heather said she didn't have butterflies for Alex, and Georgia will be back next week...

And it turns out that in true rom-com style, Alex will be her date...

We've never wanted a date to succeed quite so much. It could be a brilliant end to a very romantic beginning — but if this doesn't work out for Georgia and Alex, is giving up on love.
