First they infuriated fans by bringing reality TV stars into ‘civilian’ Big Brother and now the powers that be have upset BB devotees by allowing one housemate access to the outside world.


People’s Housemate Tom – who was voted in on Monday night – will be the public’s eyes and ears, and has already been able to contact the outside world in a Facebook Live.

One of the most important elements of Big Brother in days of old was the lack of contact with anyone who wasn't in the house, so fans aren’t impressed that the once iron-clad rule has now been dropped.

Can BB REALLY still be the same when someone can talk to the public?

Fans say nae.

They believe it gives contestants an unfair advantage…

… and defeats the purpose of the reality TV series.

Is this even Big Brother any more?

Wish they went back to having zero contact with the outside world from the moment they enter the house #BBUK

— Jess Hassall (@jesshassall) June 6, 2017

Should Big Brother scrap the Facebook Lives and send the housemates back into exile?


Have your say in the comments below.
