Lady C on being shut up, shut down and run out of I'm A Celebrity camp
Campmates learned during tonight's episode that Lady C had left the show, here she explains in her own words what her experience was like

During tonight's I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! the campmates learned that Lady C had left the camp on medical grounds.
Some campmates were gutted. Others, well, they struggled not to get the ticker tape out. Yes Tony Hadley and Duncan Bannatyne, I'm talking about you.
Happily nestled in a six star hotel, Lady C details in her own words her experience of life as a jungle camp mate:
"Au revoir jungle! Never to return thank God – although I have to say the jungle part of it I actually rather enjoyed," Lady C sang as she initially made her way out of camp.
"It feels absolutely wonderful to be out of the jungle and in civilisation again," she continued once at the plush Versace hotel. "It was not the experience I was expecting in any way, shape or form. In many ways it was far more pleasurable and pleasant.
"I was nominated for the first trial with Jorgie which came as no surprise to me because I was obviously the grandest person in the camp we know that the British public are obsessed with class," she added, quickly getting on to the topic of us oiks.
“After it became apparent I was getting all of the attention, it caused a tremendous amount of bad feeling in the camp and then it became increasingly difficult. Tony’s refusal [to be chambermaid] became personal because I was a Lady with a capital L. Had I been asked to be chambermaid, of course I would have done it, I am a sport. And I don't have a chip on my shoulder.
“I think there were so many arguments because Duncan and Tony had taken the decision to shut me up, shut me down and run me out of the camp," she added of her constant camp foes.
“Kieron and Chris were wonderfully supportive, they showed themselves to be true gentlemen and I would hope we remain lifelong friends," she said of her jungle squad.
"There is no prospect of me ever having Tony or Duncan in my life in any way, shape or form. They have earned my disregard... they will have to live with it."
The wrap party should be a barrel of laughs, right?
I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! continues Thursday at 8:30pm on ITV