On Tuesday night, Love Island isn't airing at 9pm on ITV2.


But before we all start panicking and rioting in the streets - fear not. Tuesday night's episode has just been pushed back a little in the schedules.

So, why the change? And when is Love Island actually on TV? Allow us to explain...

ITV have taken the rather sensible decision to delay Tuesday's episode in order to avoid a clash with the England v Colombia World Cup match.

The England game, which is sure to pull in mega ratings, is airing on ITV between 6.15pm and 10.00pm (after extra time).

In order to avoid a crossover, ITV2 have put Love Island back to 10.00pm.

The episode will still be just over an hour long, ending at 11.10pm - so we're not getting any less villa action than on a normal night. Phew!


Usual service will be resumed the following day, with Love Island returning to its 9pm home.
