Things between Laura and Wes looked like they were going SO well on Love Island. But that was before new girl Ellie Brown walked in.


Now, in tonight's episode, Laura is seen saying she thinks Wes and Ellie will "100 percent" get together, and adds of Wes: "I just feel like he’s bored of me. I just get this feeling."

Love Island episode 15 - Laura Anderson
Love Island episode 15 - Laura Anderson (ITV)

Oh dear. Just five days ago the pair were talking about having babies and moving in together!

When Ellie chooses Wes as one of the three boys to go on a date with, it prompts Laura to head to the Beach Hut where she confides: "Obviously I’m not over the moon that Wes is going on a date with Ellie but I’m going to try and be controlled.

Love Island episode 15 - Wes and Ellie
Love Island episode 15 - Wes and Ellie go on a date (ITV)

"I feel a little bit sad. I am just feeling so insecure and it’s rubbish. I’m a confident woman, what is wrong with me?!” and later admits to the girls: “You know when you can just see something happening before it happens? I just think Ellie and Wes will get together 100 per cent. I just feel like he’s bored of me. I just get this feeling. You get a gut feeling.”

The whole drama begins unfolding at the beginning of Monday night's episode when Laura asks Wes if he fancies Ellie. Which, let's face it, is never a good question.

Anyway, Wes says: "I said she’s a good looking girl but every girl in this villa is attractive."

"So you fancy all the girls including me the same?" Laura retorts, to which Wes replies: "I’m not saying I fancy all the girls the same. I appreciate everyone’s beauty but there’s no one I fancy as much as you."

But then the next day, Wes joins some of the boys for a chat and reveals he's potentially having doubts about his relationship with Laura in the villa.

"Mate, I have not had a single chat with one other girl other than Laura since I’ve been here," says Wes, to which Adam replies: "So why don't you change that up?"

Um, is he the best one to be giving out advice?

Love Island episode 15

Wes replies: "That’s what I’m saying because I’ve been so comfortable with Laura, I’ve not even thought I could be happier."

Later in the Beach Hut, he describes Ellie as being "really attractive" and "my type on paper", adding: "I'd be lying if I said she wasn't." Later in the episode Wes also says he supposes Ellie "is what I would be looking for". Crikey.

Hardly surprising that Laura is seen confiding that she is "a bit anxious about the whole situation...I just don't like feeling jealous, it feels embarrassing."

Love Island episode 15 - Wes Nelson
Love Island episode 15 - Wes Nelson (ITV)

Speaking to Rosie, Laura then admits she feels as though she is "chasing [Wes] about".

"I feel like he was all over me at the start and now I feel like I have to ask for a hug," explains Laura. "I’m not like this in real life. I’m actually annoyed in myself for feeling [like this]… This is not what I want in a relationship.”

After two weeks, is it all over for Wes and Laura?


Love Island continues tonight at 9pm on ITV2
