God save the queens! Specifically, the ten queens set to serve their charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent in the first-ever series of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, soon shantaying its way onto BBC iPlayer.


But who exactly will be the contestants hoping to impress Mama Ru, Michelle Visage, Graham Norton, Alan Carr and a host of guest judges? Here’s all you need to know.

Confirmed cast of RuPaul's Drag Race UK

Divina De Campo


Stage name of: Owen Farrow

Age: 35

From: West Yorkshire

Instagram: @divinadecampo

Perhaps the most well-known name on the rumoured list, Mancunian Divina De Campo has appeared on The Voice UK, All Together Now (as one of the show’s 100 judges), MTV’s A-Z of Drag and Big Brother’s Bit on the Side. Although not confirmed, she has said in the past she would audition for the UK version of Drag Race.

Cheryl Hole

Programme Name: Ru Paul's Drag Race UK - TX: n/a - Episode: Launch (No. n/a) - Picture Shows: **STRICTLY EMBARGOED UNTIL 21/08/2019 00:00:01** Cheryl Hole - (C) BBC - Photographer: Leigh Keily

Stage name of: Luke Underwood

Age: 25

From: Essex

Instagram: @cherylholequeen

Twitter: @CherylHoleQueen

Self-described as the “dancing diva of Essex” and the “Gemma Collins of drag”, Cheryl Hole bases her act on – you guessed it – X Factor and Girls Aloud star Cheryl. And this could make some very interesting viewing, with Cheryl confirmed as one of Drag Race’s guest judges.

Blu Hydrangea


Stage name of: Joshua Cargill

Age: 23

From: Belfast

Instagram: bluhydrangea_

Twitter: @BluHydrangea_

Every series of Drag Race needs a quirky make-up artist. A Belfast-based queen with a strong Instagram following, Blu Hydrangea is expected to slay the competition.

Baga Chipz


Age: 29

From: London

Instagram: @bagachipz

Twitter: @ChipShopBird

Featured in the London Live reality series Drag Queens of London, Baga Chipz says she bases her drag act on a young Princess Diana – and the Coronation Street cast circa 1970. Obviously.

Gothy Kendoll


Age: 21

From: Leicester

Instagram: @gothykendoll

Stage name of: Sam Handley

A Drag queen and DJ, Gothy Kendoll looks like, well, a gothy Ken doll – in drag. And Drag Race fans predict she’ll strut into the workroom – all her social media went suspiciously quiet during April 2019 when the show is rumoured to have been filmed.



Age: 34

From: London (Originally from Canada, hence the accent)

Instagram: crystal.will.see.you.now

Crystal says: "I’m not afraid to look a bit ugly, messy, and scary - it’s not about being pretty all the time. I hope I will surprise viewers and show them that drag isn’t just one thing, or isn’t just looking like a woman. Maybe drag can be about messing with gender and playing with the lines and the boundaries."

Sum Ting Wong


Age: 30

From: Reading

Stage name of: Bo Zeng

Instagram: @issumtingwong

Twitter: @IsSumTingWong

Sum Tiny Wong says: "I’m here because I’m a drag queen not because I’m Asian. Asian is who I am but does not define who I am. I want to show you that I’m a queen like anyone else."

Vinegar Strokes


Age: 35

From: London

Stage name of: Daniel Jacob

Twitter: @TheOnlyVinegar

Instagram: @theonlyvinegarstrokes

Describing herself as a mix between Tina Turner, Lizzo and Kat Slater, comedy Queen Vinegar Strokes has already shared a stage with Drag Race judge Michelle Visage when performing on the West End.

Scaredy Kat


Age: 20

From: Wiltshire

Instagram: scaredykatofficial

Twitter: @the_scaredy_kat

The youngest queen of the series, Scaredy Kat, a bisexual, first got into drag thanks to her girlfriend who performs drag under the name Pussy Cat.

The Vivienne


Age: 27

From: Liverpool

Stage name of: James Williams


Instagram: @thevivienne_

The Vivienne says: "I am The Vivienne, I’m 27 years old and I’m from the gorgeous town of Liverpool. I’m an engaged lady and I live for my fiancé. And I’m here to win the crown of the first ever RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, so bring it on!


RuPaul’s Drag Race UK will start on BBC iPlayer 3rd October 2019
