Martine McCutcheon predicts who will win The Masked Singer as she reveals who she thinks is behind the mask
Martine believes she knows who is behind Sausage's mask.

Martine McCutcheon became the third celebrity to be revealed on The Masked Singer following a sing off with Sausage.
After two performances, McCutcheon was unveiled to be the show's Swan, putting an end to her journey on the ITV show.
Having sang on the stage alongside the other The Masked Singer contestants, the actress/singer has now predicted who could win the second series of the show.
And she's convinced she also knows who is behind the mask.
Speaking to press including, she said: "I think so far because they were on the same show as me and I heard them the most, I do think Sausage is phenomenal. I think she’s got one of those very obvious, brilliant, soulful voices which you just cannot deny. I think it’s Joss Stone and I think Sausage will win it!"
From actress Sheridan Smith to presenter AJ Odudu, multiple names have been listed when it comes to the singing Sausage.
However, McCutcheon is certain the English singer-songwriter is the culprit.
Speaking of her time on the show, McCutcheon continued: "I was saying to people [on the show] 'Come on tell me who this is!' and I was like, 'Is Sausage Anastasia?" and then I was like, 'No she’s Joss Stone. She’s Joss Stone!'
Although it was tricky trying to work out who the other Masked Singer contestants were, the actress says it was as just as hard as trying to conceal her own identity.
And at times she worried she'd blow her cover.

"There were a few times when I was on set and you kind of had to put your hand up if you needed something and there were a couple of times when I was hot and needed a drink and it was tricky for them to get you a straw to put into certain parts of the mask," she explained.
"I nearly went to go, 'Hurry up. I need a drink!' and I couldn’t and I was just waiting frantically. That would have just blown my cover as my voice is what gives me away. I did worry I would blow my cover and I was a bit panicky."
Asides from the secrecy of the show, one of the things fans love about The Masked Singer is the bizarre costumes contestants wear.
So, what exactly was it like being dressed up as an extravagant Swan?
"I was struggling to breathe in it!" McCutcheon admitted. "Basically, underneath the sculpture I actually had like a boxing head mask. You know one of those head masks where it kind of squashes your cheeks together, and I could hardly speak and breathe because it’s so tight. It was quite tight around my chin, so it was really difficult to speak and breathe and I was sweating."

McCutcheon says her costume was so hard to move and speak in, she often wondered if the audience and judges had been able to hear her properly.
She added: "I’m not going to lie, it was not comfortable and I'd come off and be like, 'Did I did I sing the song OK? Did I hit the notes? Did you hear me?'"
It was only once she watched the episodes over did she realise how her performance had gone. "I thought, 'Phew!' Considering I couldn’t see or hear. I did alright!"
The Masked Singer is on ITV on Saturdays. You can also check out what else is on with our TV Guide.