The Night Bus launched on Channel 4 last night, with cameras catching the action of people's late night journeys between Enfield and Trafalgar Square on the N29.


For plenty of viewers, they were just pleased to find they hadn't accidentally signed themselves up for a starring role.

No one wants to see themselves asleep on a bus floor, right?

Oh my daysss the n29 has its own show, ohhh bloody hell! I hope they never caught the night I was asleep on the bus floor?? #NightBus ??

— Vanessa (@nessaaaaxoxo) May 12, 2015

Some tried praying to the TFL gods so that they wouldn't appear.

Others are actually surprised they weren't on there.

I'm surprised they haven't got any footage of me on this program #NightBus

— Mem (@OriginalMem) May 11, 2015

Some know exactly how it would go down if they were caught on camera.

They definitely wouldn't get a word out of this traveller.

For some, it made them miss London.

Watching #NightBus and missing all the madness a night bus home would have, I miss living in London

— Sarah H Plus (@SarahHPlus) May 12, 2015

Others even wanted to move to London.

Some couldn’t decide whether it didn’t seem real because the people were too nice...

Not sure if this is London. The ppl are too nice to eachother. #NightBus

— BYANYMEANSNECESSARY (@1LaneOnly) May 11, 2015

...or because they weren’t.

Mainly it was what people were expecting.

They talk inane, drunken pish no one cares about. Kinda what I expected tbh. #NightBus

— michaelrobb (@_michaelrobb) May 11, 2015

Although some wanted more magic.

Feel like getting on board? Nope.

Plenty simply didn't know what to say.

Read more:

13 things that always happen on the night bus
