The Real Marigold Hotel goes on tour this Christmas with adventures to Florida and Japan to discover the best places in the world to grow old.


And while four of the cast from the first series - Miriam Margoyles, Wayne Sleep, Bobby George and Rosemary Shrager – will reunite there, we also have a whole new set of celebrities to welcome for the second series in the New Year.

The new cast of famous senior citizens embarking on a journey of a lifetime include entertainer Lionel Blair, actress Amanda Barrie, snooker champion Dennis Taylor, TV personality Rustie Lee, Doctor Miriam Stoppard, presenter Bill Oddie, singer Sheila Ferguson and actor Paul Nicholas.


Moving to BBC One and airing in early 2017, the new four-part series will see the group travel thousands of miles from home and this time land in Kochi, a city in the southwest Indian state Kerala, to see whether they can set up a more rewarding retirement than in the UK.
