Who is Camilla Thurlow? The Love Island contestant is rumoured to be a former flame of Prince Harry's
The 27-year-old former Miss Edinburgh admitted her celebrity crush – and it's not HRH

Love Island 2017 contestants: Camilla Thurlow
Age: 27
Instagram: @camillathurlow
Occupation: Explosive Ordnance Disposal (she works for mine clearance charity Halo)
From: Dumfries
Her Love Island journey so far: How do you sum up Camilla's time in the villa to date? Tear-fuelled is one way to describe it.
At the start, Camilla struggled to find someone she was romantically interested in...and then Jonny arrived. It didn't take long before the pair hit it off, and Camilla was slowly but surely lowering her barriers and letting him in. They shared a bed and a few snogs...and then World War Three kicked off.

A seemingly innocent chat about who pays for the bill on a date spiralled into oblivion as the pair landed themselves in a mighty feminism debate which completely derailed them.
But a cosy date days later landed the pair back on track, with fans completely losing it over 'Jamilla' and their new romance. Then a Tyla-shaped bombshell dropped.

Jonny was torn, Camilla was left in tears for what felt like months and everything got very messy. And then Craig 'Do you know what I mean?' Lawson turned up. He put a smile on Cam's face for precisely five minutes before she said she wasn't ready to move on, he was unceremoniously dumped from the villa and now new boy Jamie looks set to steal her heart.
Has Camilla dated anyone famous before? No, not really. Just a bloke called Prince Harry.
Back in 2014, The Evening Standard reported that following his split with Cressida Bonas, Harry had hooked up for a cheeky snog with Camilla after the pair were introduced by Princess Beatrice. As you do.
The former private school pupil (she attended Tony Blair's old gaff, Fettes College in Edinburgh) was asked what her claim to fame was ahead of going into the show and she tactfully side-stepped the Harry stuff.
Camilla said: "I don’t think it’s my claim to fame but my proudest achievement was playing lacrosse for Scotland in the junior world championships."
Asked who her celebrity crush is, Camilla (again) dodged any mention of Harry and went for a rugby player called Sonny Bill Williams.
Any more claims to fame? Well, yes. Camilla was previously crowned Miss Edinburgh when she was 19. It's probably just as well that was eight years ago and they can't now strip her of the title like they did with Zara...
How she thinks her ex-boyfriend (probably not Harry) would describe her: "Ambitious, independent and quite silly"
If a guy walked into a bar she would notice his: Hair
Why is Camilla on Love Island and not Made in Chelsea? That's what we're wondering, too. But it's love that she's on the hunt for. "I’m still young but I’m definitely at the age now where a lot of my friends are starting to settle down," she said. "I also want to put my personal life first, for the first time in a long time, and give myself the opportunity to meet someone.
"It will also force me to break down some of the barriers that I have built up doing the work that I do. I can be a bit cold, and come across that way, but that’s because I’m quite independent and strong. A huge part of it is pushing myself out of my comfort zone and forcing myself to make a connection with someone."

Anything else I should know? Camilla apparently has nine GCSEs at A* and three As at A-level, got a First Class honours degree in Sport and Exercise Science at Loughborough University and in the past has also worked at Abercrombie & Fitch.
Love Island airs at 9pm on ITV2.