Joe and Elma are the Islanders who will get the chop on tonight’s Love Island dumping, according to readers.


40.9% of our users picked Joe to be eliminated from the ITV2 reality show, with Elma just behind him at 25.7%.

The results suggest that villa originals Lucie and Anton should be safe from the elimination on tonight’s show.

Caroline Flack will announce who is actually on the first flight back to Majorca later on this evening, with one Islander from each couple having to pack their bags.

Lucie and Joe love island
Lucie and Joe (ITV)

The two couples found themselves facing the public vote when their fellow Islanders were asked to vote who was “the least compatible couple”, with Anton and Elma receiving five votes, while Lucie and Joe received three.

And they’re not the only couples in trouble, with Yewande confessing to Anna that she may be having second thoughts about her coupling with Danny.

“I just feel like me and Danny aren’t moving as quickly as the other couples,” she said.

“Do you look at him and feel like, ‘I really want to kiss you?’” Anna replied.

“Some days I look at him and I’m like, ‘I really want to kiss you, I really want to jump on you,’ and there’s some days where I don’t feel anything,” Yewande revealed.

Could we see another shock split sooner rather than later?


Love Island continues weeknights and Sundays at 9pm on ITV 2


Kimberley BondEntertainment Correspondent,