It's just over two months until the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm, but we've already reached PEAK Eurovision thanks to San Marino's Serhat.


His Eurovision entry, I Didn't Know, has to be one of the most errr, interesting songs we've heard from this year's selection so far.

And the video for the track? Well, let's just say it's inventive.

"I want to sleep upon your skin", Serhat croons while playing with a little paper doll of himself, sporting a monocle strapped to his head in leather.

We have to say, we're addicted. Serhat's eyes will never tell us lies. And with every beat of the drums, we're just melting into him too.

And so is Twitter.

Me whilst listening to San Marino ... #Eurovision

— #TeamBadaNakna (@Refshaleoen) March 9, 2016


Cancel the competition, bring Joe and Jake home, and give the man all of the points for effort.
