The office is in shock following the news of the tragic death of former Apprentice contestant Stuart Baggs.


After his time on the show, Stuart became our roving entertainment reporter for a while – and boy did he rove, and boy did he entertain.

By way of celebrating Stuart's life, here's a selection of his work for the site, all featuring that heady trademark blend of self-deprecating humour, studied buffoonery and genuine entrepreneurship that was the Baggs brand...

RIP Stuart, you legend.

Stuart reports on The Apprentice... from Malta

Here's one of Stuart's early reports on the then current series of The Apprentice. Contains almost nothing about The Apprentice but lots about Stuart...

Stuart Baggs, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house

This is Stuart writing about the time we sent him to check out the Big Brother house – they sent him straight back...


Stuart gets creative in the kitchen

And here Stuart sets himself an Apprentice-style task – inventing new condiments and testing them out on the unsuspecting public...

RIP Stuart Baggs 1988-2015


Paul Jones,
Paul JonesExecutive Editor,