3 auditions you need to watch again from Britain’s Got Talent episode 5
A singer that won't take no for an answer, a singing and rollerskating duo and possibly the scariest dance act yet...

Britain's Got Talent 2017 came back for a thrilling fifth episode last night with the familiar mix of tears, talent....and perhaps a little less talent.
But which auditions should you watch again? And, if you missed the show - Eurovision was on after all - who are the acts everyone will be talking about?
Well, since you ask, here is our top three...of last night's BGT.
1. Mal Ford
Sometimes people just can't take no for an answer. The 74-year-old singer and entertainer from Blackpool got four defiant "no's" for his keyboard rendition of La Bamba but he wouldn't leave the stage and continued playing regardless. Ant eventually went out to get him to stop, but ended up being roped in to his performance. With the audience on his side, Mal eventually won over the judges. A lesson for everyone...
2. Jo and Joanne
Full-time Mum Jo doesn't have a terrible voice but the judges were having nothing to do with Joanne's roller skating. "Don't make it happen," said Jo and she was right, the judges didn't. As David said: "You know what, it was a bit ****, I've got to be honest with you!"
3. TNG
TNG stands for The Next Generation and they "scared the living daylights" out of the judges by creeping up on them at the desks looking like something out of a horror film. Simon has a well-known phobias about clowns, although he resisted David's offer to sit next to him. But the troupe eventually delivered a dance routine that David described as "imaginative", adding: "I think you're really gonna stand out." He's not wrong...