Bruno Tonioli and Craig Revel Horwood's were at each other's throats once again on Strictly Come Dancing during movies week - and it made for great telly.


Their most entertaining clash of the evening came during a disagreement over Ashley Roberts and Pasha Kovalev's Dirty Dancing routine (they pulled off the lift). Bruno was very complimentary, calling their display "purely sensational". But, ever the contrarian, Craig wasn't as convinced.

He called Ashley a bit "straight-legged", to which Bruno chimed in with a jab that the audience rather enjoyed: "you know nothing about straight, darling! Don't talk about straight. You have absolutely no idea what straight is!"

Craig then made a reference to a moment earlier on in the show, when Bruno had fallen off his chair.

But then Bruno silenced him with the best jibe of the night, making reference to Craig's recent hip surgery.

"It's okay, I still have my own hips," he said, prompting a guffaw from Shirley Ballas. Check out a clip of the exchange below.

Their bickering went down a treat with viewers.

"Bruno vs Craig... they need their own TV show where they just roast each other," Twitter user @artistiqwalrus wrote.

@Tweet_Dec was similarly amused: "Bruno and Craig are the Stanford and Marcus of Strictly. Their eventual televised gay wedding will be sensational."

Keep it up, guys.


Strictly Come Dancing continues on Sunday at 7.45pm on BBC1

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Ben AllenOn Demand Writer,