Emma Willis: The Voice is great because the people I report to are all women
The TV presenter talks kids, music and metrosexual men

Describe your perfect night in on the sofa.
With a baby [daughter Trixie was born last May] and two older kids my TV viewing has dwindled! By the time I’ve got home from work, sorted all three of them out then tidied up the house, it’s nine o’clock and I’ve missed Corrie. All those things I loved watching regularly are out. But when Cold Feetcame back – and it was on at nine o’clock – I ushered everybody up to bed and if there were any arguments I was like, “No! Cold Feetstarts in an hour and I’m watching it!” I was over the moon when they announced another series.
Do you dodge soft toys and kids’ paraphernalia to watch TV?
Well, the TV is Matt’s domain [her husband and former Busted bass player Matt Willis]. He said, “I want a TV room and I want a massive TV and speakers...” Unfortunately for him, what we ended up with was a room full of toys. The kids won. So now we just have quite a nice telly on the wall in the living room and a big L-shaped soft sofa with lots of space for everyone to jump on.
What do you watch as a family?
The kids love Britain’s Got Talent, The Voice, X Factor. Ace [5] is a little too young for it, but Isabelle [7] is obsessed with Britain’s Got Talent. We watch it first and then play it in the living room. So she’s a contestant and we’re the judges.
The Voice Kids is starting soon – would you let her enter?
Er...yes...I mean, I’d be a bit of a hypocrite if I said no. As long as she knew the positives and negatives and didn’t take it too seriously. And it was just kind of fun for her and she enjoyed it. And if she was the right age... Then absolutely.
Are you happy The Voice has moved to ITV?
I’m just pleased it’s still on TV... and that I’m still presenting it! It doesn’t make a difference to me what channel it’s on, really. The BBC made it impeccably well and took a chance by letting me present it. But what’s great is that it was, and still is, a largely female production team, so the people I report to are all women, and it’s a really lovely show to be part of.
Aside from Cold Feet, any other favourites you’d bring back?
Music shows! I know we have singing talent shows but I grew up watching Top of the Pops and CD:UK, and started my career on MTV – there were always TV music platforms for bands when I was younger but they seem to have gone out of fashion.
Surprise us with a programme that you love watching?
I love medical programmes. I grew up around hospitals – my mum is an operating theatre assistant, and my dad was a postman at the same hospital for a long time. Before I had Isabelle I was obsessed with being as informed as possible, so I watched Portland Babies, 24 Hours in A&E, One Born Every Minute, I watched births on YouTube and I’m a massive Grey’s Anatomyfan. If Matt’s been out he’ll come in and say, “Oh God, you’re not watching that again, are you?”
Is there anything Matt watches that you hate?
He gets the boys around and they watch the Ultimate Fighting Championship, which I make fun of him about. Matt is quite effeminate – he loves his beauty products, he takes a long time getting ready, he loves bathing for hours on end, he is very metrosexual, a modern man. But he loves UFC. So when his mates are there being all manly on the sofa, all macho-ing up, it’s hilarious.
The Voice is on ITV tonight at 8pm