The Greatest Dancer sees oldest competitor ever as 98-year-old takes on auditions
Dinkie Flowers is hoping to impress our dance captains with over nine decades of experience

After a successful first run, The Greatest Dancer is back for its second series in January, with the show’s sophomore year promising many changes and surprises.
As well as a fabulous new dance captain, a new receptionist and a new twist to the format, The Greatest Dancer series two also sees some of its strongest auditions yet as our hopefuls aim to follow in the footsteps of last year’s winner Ellie Ferguson.
And one the auditionees hoping to make the two-way mirror open and go through to the callbacks is DInkie Flowers, who, at 98, is The Greatest Dancer’s oldest competitor ever.
Dinkie, who has been dancing since she was three, hopes to impress our dance captains with her surprisingly nimble-footed take on tap dancing.
But whether she manages to get 75% of the audience to vote for her and to open the mirror remains to be seen.
Dance teacher Dinkie is no stranger to television, having previously appeared on ITV to explain her glittering nine decade long career – which has seen her dance all over the world.
“I’m not going to stop dancing,” she told the Express ahead of her 97th birthday last year.
“Everyone should get off their bottoms and give it a go.”
The Greatest Dancer launches on 4th January in 2020