The pressure is on for The Voice UK finalists this weekend – not that they're letting it show.

Ad spoke to coaches Sir Tom Jones, Jennifer Hudson, and the remaining singers Into the Ark, Mo Adineran, Jamie Miller and Michelle John about how they're gearing up for the live finals this Saturday and Sunday.

A calm and collected J-Hud told us that she was really excited to sing with Jamie and Mo in the final, while Sir Tom said he wouldn't be picking up his guitar with Into the Ark and (as ever) has a trick up his sleeve to try and get people to vote for his act Michelle.

Everyone (well, apart from Tom) was keeping their duet performance under wraps, although speaking the day Brexit officially happened, will was particularly worried about what might happen to him if he broke The Voice rules...


The Voice UK airs at 8.30pm on Saturday April 1 and 7pm on Sunday April 2nd on ITV.
