What are you watching in your Hollywood home right now?


I can’t stop watching the news because of what’s been going on in the world. I just have to watch it every day. The political climate is all crazy everywhere. America, France… it’s just crazy.

Do you think it’s possible to watch too much news?

I do think that, I honestly do, but I can’t stop. I watch the English news, I have the BBC on and I’ll have Sky on. I’ve been off work for six weeks with a back injury and all I did was watch the bloody news. I swear to you, I need therapy.

You must be the best informed person in LA…

I think so! When I was resting my back I did also watch lots of old movies, which I love. I rewatched Downton, too. I spend more time in America than Britain, but I love British TV.

What sort of TV do you have?

I have a very big TV in my bedroom and it comes from under the bed so you can turn it off and then it flips and goes under the bed. But I’ve hardly flipped it under because I’ve always got it on. I also watch TV in the living room or the kitchen a lot.

Who’s your favourite sofa companion?

Oh, Ozzy. As soon as he sees the news, that’s it. He’s a big fan of the news. He talks the whole time, he never shuts up and I have to smack his leg. I’m like, “Shhhhh, I’m going to miss it, you’re talking all through the piece I’ve been waiting for.”

Do you and Ozzy like a snack?

We snack the whole time. Ozzy and I both like liquorice so it’s that and then popcorn, then chocolate. We also have a popcorn machine.

The house you lived in for The Osbournes reality show had some bold interiors. What’s your new house like?

It’s very traditional English, all dark wood floors throughout. It’s a very old house that was built in 1926 with big fireplaces and I’ve put big, soft sofas in every room. I like rooms you can live in, not that look nice.

You’re a huge animal lover – how many pets do you have?

Six dogs and three cats. I love them equally but I have one dog that goes with me everywhere, a little pomeranian called Bella. When I go to work, when I go shopping, she comes along and she’s only got tiny legs so it’s hard for her – but she gets there. At night the cats run all over me and climb up the curtains and the bookcases. It’s fantastic.

You have a lot of celebrity friends. Do you have dinner parties?

We don’t, we’re very antisocial.

If you did have a dinner party, who would you want round?

I’d invite Jackie Collins, who is a friend of mine who passed, and I would love to see her again because she threw amazing dinner parties. Very glamorous and Hollywood. I’d have Simon Cowell because he’s very social and funny, and his partner Lauren [Silverman]. I’d have Brad Pitt, because he’s just fab, Elizabeth Taylor and Elton.

You have your grandchildren round a lot. Do you spoil them?

Oh God yes, I’m ridiculous. I spoil them so much. I get a list of what I can and can’t do with the kids and of course that list gets ripped up. I always say, “What goes on at Nana’s stays at Nana’s.”


Sharon Osbourne: the Dodgiest Deals in Rock ’n’ Roll is on Friday at 10pm on BBC4
