Thirteen years and thirteen series later, X Factor is still a staple of autumn Saturday night TV, thanks in no small part to the seemingly endless stream of wannabe singing sensations and Dermot O'Leary's delightful dance moves.


But without its judges - from the nasty to the nice - the show just wouldn't be the same. We love to hate them, we hate to love them, and sometimes we wholeheartedly agree with them. The right mix make for a super series, while the incorrect concoction can send the ratings spiralling.

Throughout the past thirteen series (yes, 2017's show really is series "FOURTEEN! FOURTEEN!", as Louis might say) a whole host of famous faces have plonked themselves down in those all-important seats behind the X Factor desks. Some have stayed for decades (we're looking at you Mr Walsh), others have popped back in and out (Simon Cowell, Mrs O and Nicole Scherzinger for example), some have done just the one series (Nick Grimshaw and Rita Ora), and a few have made quite the impact in just an episode or two (Katy Perry took a punt on some young Irish guy called Niall Horan...).

But who has been the best? Who put all the other judges to shame? We want you to decide by casting your vote below.

And don't worry - we definitely won't be taking the result to Deadlock.


X Factor returns to ITV on Saturday September 2nd
