X Factor's dance test returns and we're throwing back to Zayn Malik's 2010 attempts
This year's Bootcamp acts are to get a taste of choreography training, which in 2010 saw the former One Directioner get a ticking off from Simon Cowell after he tried to duck out...

X Factor is bringing the dance test back for Bootcamp and all we can think about is Zayn Malik's bash at choreography in 2010.
The former One Directioner took to it like a duck to, well, wet cement actually. Dance expert Brian Friedman, who came dressed like some sort of gangster Peter Pan, was yelling the steps at them before lining the nervous contestants up to perform for the judges.

Feeling less like a young Michael Jackson and more like he was shifting wardrobes, Malik said 'no ta' and went to hide out backstage.
Given this was pre-1D the singer had no bandmates to turn to. In fact, he was lining up against them at this point. So it fell to Simon Cowell himself to go and rally Malik back onto the stage.

The boss went all parental and 'wise owl' as he urged the pop wannabe not to waste this opportunity, pointing out that if he didn't at least try now he'd never get good at it.
"Don't do that again," the boss warned him, much like Malik was a toddler who'd scribbled on his mum's beige sofa rather than a singer who was more comfortable with his feet planted firmly on the ground.

Now with more eyes on him than if he'd just got on with it in the first place (there's a good lesson for you kids) Malik managed to get through the audition with just a few titters from the girls watching on. And as for those laughing, he went on to be part of one of the biggest bands ever to hit the charts. So there.
The X Factor continues this Saturday and Sunday on ITV, Bootcamp kicks off the following week