Christmas is just around the corner so there’s never been a better time for some fandom fun – enter the League of Festive Fandoms,’s Christmas fan challenge!


We put a call out on Facebook and Twitter for the internet’s most dedicated film and TV fandoms and thirteen lucky entrants nominated themselves to take part in a series of fiendish festive fan tasks.

Meet the Lucky 13 Fandoms in the Festive League

So, what did they have to do? Well, it was simple really.

Each team took on a series of tasks, as laid out by in this here timetable, winning points for their teams along the way.

Festive Fandoms - Week Two Tasks

As teams won points in the challenges, we updated our Festive Fandoms League Table below.

Points for tasks were awarded in descending order, with 10 for the team in first place, nine for the team in second place, 8 for the team in third place and so on and so forth.

And after several very exciting battles, Team Versailles came out on top!

Congratulations to our #FestiveFandoms Champions - and to all the teams who put in a stellar performance, showing great solidarity with their fellow fans and the stars of their favourite films and TV series.


Until next year, it's time to go-ho-ho!
