Up until now, if I’d told you the Islanders were being kept up all night by screaming and wailing you’d just assume I meant Emma and Terry were at it again. But on Friday night’s show there are different culprits behind the noise as the couples are each given babies to look after…


Not real babies, obviously – that would be highly irresponsible given who we’re talking about here – but babies that do nevertheless cry, scream and needed burping and changing.

The reactions to the new arrivals are mixed to say the least…

Cara: “Have we got babies?! Oh my god we’ve got babies! I’ve got a baby!” [picks up her baby] “Oh, baba.”

Kady: “This is like a dream come true.”

Adam: “We were looking forward to spending our first night together as a couple, and now we’ve got a baby in the middle. That’s quite the cockblock!”

Alex: “This is mega scary, man.”

Olivia: “When the baby cries, it goes straight through me.”

Lauren: “I can’t do this all night.”

Adam J: “I woke up, don’t know where his mother Lauren is, she’s doing her own thing. I’ve had to change his nappy, feed him, burp him. Bit unfair really, she doesn’t seem too interested.”

Lauren: “When the babies are crying, it’s literally the worst noise ever. It just goes through me. I’m quite an impatient person. Some of them can stay calm, but I’m like ‘Just shut up’.”

Katie to Lauren: “We’re bad mums.”

Lauren to Katie: “We just need a coffee and a cig and then we’ll be fine.”

But which of our couples make the best parents? Well – spoiler alert – it's Nathan and Cara, who are very sweet together when they introduce us to "Ruby De La Hoyde-Massey" in the Beach Hut.

And as a reward they get to go on a date, where things get even more romantic as they talk about their future together outside the villa...


Love Island continues tonight at 9:00pm on ITV2


Paul Jones, RadioTimes.com
Paul JonesExecutive Editor, RadioTimes.com