Tattoos, right? Everyone these days seems to love a bit of ink. But they can be pretty damn expensive – especially if you're thinking full sleeve/massive picture of Benedict Cumberbatch's face on your chest.


Enter MTV's new show, Just Tattoo of Us (massive kudos for that title) in which participants get a completely free tat. Amazing, right?

Oh, but wait – there's a catch. Because they don't actually get to choose what the tattoo is. In fact, they don't even get to see it until it's finished.

In fact, the tattoo is chosen by a family member or friend (under no circumstances should you get your enemy to choose your tattoo), the idea presumably being that a) they don't hate you and want to ruin your life and b) they have a reasonable idea what you like (even if that jumper you got for Christmas last year doesn't necessarily bear that out).


And if it does all go wrong? Next stop: Channel 4's Tattoo Fixers, where they'll make it even bigger.


Paul Jones,
Paul JonesExecutive Editor,