The talented youngsters on the Voice Kids stage can all probably sing, dance and act but there’s one young boy among them who can do something extra special.


11-year-old Coventry Cathedral choir boy and accomplished pianist Sebastian Carrington (who was 10 when The Voice Kids was filmed) is a bit of a child prodigy.

He achieved Grade 8 with distinction on the piano when he was 9 and passed his Astronomy GCSE when he was just 8 years old.

He’s also quite the tech whizz, with a passion for electronics and coding. He’s made YouTube tutorials on the subject, including one in which he explains how to control an LED using a device known as a ‘Raspberry Pi’ and a ‘HC SR04 ultrasonic sensor’.

No, we don’t really know what that is either, but the incredible 11-year-old does. He's so clever he's already a member of Mensa.

And because you don’t feel terrible enough about yourself already, here’s a video of the choir at Coventry Cathedral performing an ‘introit’ - a psalm or antiphon sung or said while the priest approaches the altar for the Eucharist – that Sebastian actually composed.


We are NOT worthy.
