What does Craig Revel Horwood really think about this year's Strictly contestants?
The judge reveals their strengths and weaknesses — and gives them a final grade...

Craig Revel Horwood has delivered his very honest verdict on the Strictly contestant's strengths, weaknesses and behaviour. And most importantly, who does he think has a chance of actually winning the competition? Here's the judge's half term report...
GREATEST STRENGTH Her rhythm and movement and a big personality, so she shines at the quirky dances. Something clicked in the Charleston, she got lost in the dance and it was fabulous.
BIGGEST WEAKNESS Whenever a dance requires lots of technique, she fails and when it comes to the formality
of ballroom, she loses all confidence.
COULD IMPROVE Jamelia needs to rein in her mind — her confidence issues are completely mind over matter. I just don’t know if she can do it in time.
BEHAVIOUR She’s fun and bubbly — unless she’s doing ballroom, in which case she’s got a face like thunder!
FINAL GRADE? C. I can’t see her being a finalist, but funnier things have happened on this show!
Georgia May Foote
GREATEST STRENGTH A good little mover! She has great musicality, timing, rhythm and hip action.
BIGGEST WEAKNESS She doesn’t excite me. I don’t feel the passion and she can be messy. She needs to focus and inject more personality.
COULD IMPROVE She needs to bring emotion to the dance. Sometimes she forgets to act because she’s concentrating on the steps.
BEHAVIOUR She’s very sweet and she and Giovanni are a popular couple. He’s very cheeky and a great addition to the troupe.
FINAL GRADE? A-. With a bit of fire in her belly she could be a finalist.
Peter Andre
GREATEST STRENGTH He dances really well. He and Janette are both gorgeous and Latin-looking, and he really trusts and listens to her.
BIGGEST WEAKNESS It takes him a long time to learn a routine: twice as long as it does the others. And then he can easily forget the steps.
COULD IMPROVE He likes putting his own style into every dance, which is too pop! In the rumba he was popping his hips rather than embracing the smooth style. He needs to perfect each dance’s technique.
BEHAVIOUR He’s really charming, happy-go-lucky and confident. He’s liked by everybody; a popular guy.
FINAL GRADE? B+. I can see him as a finalist and his chances of winning are good.
Helen George
GREATEST STRENGTH Helen has the grace and elegance others lack, as well as a dancer’s discipline and work ethic. She dazzles week in, week out!
BIGGEST WEAKNESS She is classically trained and that actually goes against her and can make her look a bit wooden, especially in the Latin. She can do all the moves correctly, but she doesn’t always look right.
COULD IMPROVE She’s very straight of leg, she needs to get into the earth more. It’s as though she’s floating above the ground rather than attached to the dancefloor. The key is getting all those heel leads right and trying to turn in, as she’s too turned out like a ballet dancer. She’s used to walking like a duck!
BEHAVIOUR Helen doesn’t really chat to people. She’s focused, hard-working and wants to win.
FINAL GRADE? A. If the public are on her side, she could be in the final.
Kellie Bright
GREATEST STRENGTH She’s a tough little lass — she’s out there, she’s focused and she’s a very good dancer. And as an actress she can inject a lot more personality than the others.
BIGGEST WEAKNESS The fact she’s filming EastEnders full-time is limiting, but she’s up for it. She knew it was going to be tough.
COULD IMPROVE She can be a bit too punchy and could have more finesse, which would make her more fluid: maybe by controlling
her breathing and relaxing into it a little more.
BEHAVIOUR Kellie has become a real mate. We go and have a drink at the bar after the show and both love a bit of a natter!
FINAL GRADE? A. A real powerhouse, I’d love to see her in the final.
Anita Rani
GREATEST STRENGTH A little fire rocket. She has great energy and it’s extraordinary she has never danced before. She is a hard worker and picks up every dance really quickly.
BIGGEST WEAKNESS She tends to bolt at the gate rather than move with finesse.
COULD IMPROVE She needs softer arms and to finish her lines. BEHAVIOUR Very pleasant. She’s also interested in everything you’ve got to say, which is refreshing. Most people don’t listen.
FINAL GRADE? B. If she works hard she’ll get to the semi-finals