Wedding Day Winners has disappeared from Saturday nights.


The new BBC1 entertainment show has been temporarily dropped out of the schedules despite being only midway through its six episode-long run. So where have the other three episodes got to? And why isn't Wedding Day Winners on TV this week?

Well understands that this was a scheduled break for the show that was always intended to happen. So after only airing three episodes the show is now on a break, and the remaining three episodes of the series will be airing later on in the spring. Although quite when that will be remains to be seen.

The show's timeslot has now been usurped by another new entertainment format. All Together Now - which is also hosted by Wedding Day Winners' Rob Beckett - will now be airing at 7.15pm on Saturday nights.


Featuring former Spice Girl Geri Horner, All Together Now is the BBC’s latest entertainment singing competition show and asks a panel of 100 judges to vote for their favourite singers.
